Mourner's Corner

Opeth => T³umaczenia => Topic started by: manowce on 2005-06-17, 20:54:22

Title: Ghost Reveries
Post by: manowce on 2005-06-17, 20:54:22
Jak w temacie - jak przet³umaczyliby¶cie tytu³ najnowszej p³yty Opeth?

Nie do koñca przekonuje mnie wersja "Marzenia ducha", bowiem "reverie" oznacza jaki¶ STAN w którym znajduje siê umys³ cz³owieka, nie marzenia jako takie (np.: dreams). Tak¿e nie wiem czy "ghost" uznawaæ za podmiot w tym przypadku.

[reverie - a state of imagining or thinking about pleasant things, that is like dreaming; Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English]
Title: Ghost Reveries
Post by: minder on 2005-06-17, 21:24:54
By³a ju¿ dyskusja na ten temat: tutaj (
Title: Ghost Reveries
Post by: sehl on 2005-06-17, 22:47:20
reveries = daydreaming  :twisted:
Title: Ghost Reveries
Post by: Unas on 2005-06-18, 08:55:13
"Duchowe sny na jawie" 8)  :lol:  :wink:
Title: Ghost Reveries
Post by: minder on 2005-06-18, 11:03:53
"Duch majaczy",

"Majaki ducha",

"Ducha majaczenie".
Title: Ghost Reveries
Post by: sehl on 2005-06-18, 20:54:17
no w³asnie,a nie powinno byæ ghost's? kogo czego? no i upiór, zjawa tez mog± byæ...
Title: Ghost Reveries
Post by: manowce on 2005-06-18, 22:27:34
Moim zdaniem to "ghost" okre¶la "reveries", nie na odwrót...wiêc nie uznawa³abym "ghost" za "ducha" w sensie podmiotowym.
Title: Ghost Reveries
Post by: Kas on 2005-06-18, 22:56:13
aha, co¶ jak "Ghost Dog" Jarmuscha ;> (a tak mi siê skojarzy³o)
Title: Ghost Reveries
Post by: nosferato on 2005-06-19, 00:30:18
albo moze 'reverie' w sensie 'zapatrzenia'?

zapatrzenie upiora

w cholere...

my¶le, z bedziemy mogli stwierdziæ co tak naprawde jest tytu³em p³yty dopiero po jej przes³uchaniu.
Title: Ghost Reveries
Post by: manowce on 2005-06-19, 01:35:18
Quote from: Kasandra
aha, co¶ jak "Ghost Dog" Jarmuscha ;> (a tak mi siê skojarzy³o)

No w³a¶nie, o to mi chodzi, ale to trudno prze³o¿yæ na polski mimo wszystko (o Ghost Reveries tu mówiê).
Title: Ghost Reveries
Post by: vertigo on 2005-07-01, 20:26:18
Quote from: Minder
"Ducha majaczenie".

Ja bym obstawia³ "Ducha sny na jawie", chocia¿ trochê przyd³ugie, ale majaczenie kojarzy mi siê z gor±czk± i stanem chorobowym :) (chyba ¿e to o to w³a¶nie ma chodziæ :? )
Title: Ghost Reveries
Post by: Agarves on 2005-07-02, 03:24:50
Ja bym powiedzia³ pro¶ciej - "Duch Na Jawie".
Title: Ghost Reveries
Post by: Luksor on 2005-07-05, 07:46:05
Spotka³em siê z t³umaczeniem reverie - zaduma, zamy¶lenie. Byæ mo¿e wiêc "Duch zadumy"?
Title: Ghost Reveries
Post by: rybosom on 2005-07-05, 11:17:25
A te wszystkie mo¿liwo¶ci d±¿± donik±d bo wszystkiego dowiemy siê dopiero po zapoznaniu siê z tekstami... T³umaczeñ mo¿e byæ multum. Chyba znaczenie nazwy nowego albumu Opeth jest najbardziej wieloznaczne ze wszystkich. Orchid - sprawa oczywista. Morningrise - rownie¿. MAYH - zwyk³e t³umaczenie i po sprawie. SL - no tu mog± byæ kontrowersje. BWP - nic trudnego. 2XD - tysz raczej ³atwe. A widaæ ile ma mo¿liwo¶ci t³umaczenia album Ghost Reveries... :?
Title: Ghost Reveries
Post by: sehl on 2005-07-11, 11:58:24
tak, zgadzam siê, ale i tak zapodam mój najnowszy pomys³  :twisted:

"widmowe wizje" 8)
Title: Ghost Reveries
Post by: vertigo on 2005-07-11, 13:07:20
Co do widma, to bardziej pasowa³oby s³ówko spectre, ale 'wizje widma', brzmi ca³kiem fajnie :twisted:
Title: Ghost Reveries
Post by: Alberick on 2005-08-04, 15:36:24
Quote from: rybosom
SL - no tu mog± byæ kontrowersje.

Raczej nie, Still Life to po prostu martwa natura.
Title: Ghost Reveries
Post by: Unas on 2005-08-04, 20:35:57
Chocia¿ okre¶lenie Martwe ¯ycie te¿ w pewien sposób pasuje do tematyki utworów i ogólnego konceptu p³yty. :wink:
Title: Ghost Reveries
Post by: Alberick on 2005-08-05, 12:54:36
I w³a¶nie o to w tym chodzi, ¿e tytu³ ma drugie dno poza dos³ownym znaczeniem. :)
Title: Ghost Reveries
Post by: Unas on 2005-08-05, 18:48:50
Na takiej p³ycie, wszystko musi mieæ drugie i trzecie dno, taki jej urok. Có¿, nie dziwne, ¿e niektórzy maj± Still Life za swego ulubieñca. :)
Title: Ghost Reveries
Post by: masster on 2005-08-05, 20:59:55
no i o to chodzi,,aby bylo tak jak mowicie,drugie czy trzecie dno,w kazdym razie pare warstw :wink:  aby to nie byla rzecz banalna,ktora mozna latwo i szybko rozszyfrowac.w przypadku Opeth nigdy nic nie bylo,proste,czarne na bialym i za to ich uwielbiam 8) mysle ze kazdy fan Opetha ma w sobie cos z natury poszukiwacza :wink:
Title: Ghost Reveries
Post by: minder on 2005-08-05, 21:06:48
"Cebula ma warstwy i Opeth ma warstwy..." :mrgreen:
Tak mi siê jako¶ skojarzy³o :P
Title: Ghost Reveries
Post by: ThirdEye on 2005-08-12, 22:26:50
"Duszne Marzenia" a jak¿e inaczej :mrgreen:
BTW s³owa kto¶ znalaz³ albo spisa³?? :P
Title: Ghost Reveries
Post by: vertigo on 2005-08-12, 23:52:40
S³owa s± ju¿ spisane, wystarczy poszukaæ, ale nie wszystkie teksty s± potwierdzone i niektóre maj± luki.
Title: Ghost Reveries
Post by: ThirdEye on 2005-08-13, 14:10:32
szukalem po googlach i nic
jak masz to zapodaj linka
wiem ze narazie slowa do konca sie nie beda zgadzac...
Title: Ghost Reveries
Post by: vertigo on 2005-08-13, 18:49:28
Ghost Reveries lyrics (
Title: Ghost Reveries
Post by: ThirdEye on 2005-08-14, 13:15:39
dzienks :)
Title: Dalsze poszukiwanie sensu...
Post by: Harlequin on 2005-08-28, 14:08:27
A mo¿e ca³a tajemnica tkwi w b³êdnym t³umaczeniu wyrazu "ghost"?
Oto co znalaz³em w s³owniku (


[gEust] duch, upiór, cieñ; have not got the ~ of a chance nie mieæ cienia nadziei; have given up the ~ (pot.) wyzion±æ ducha, zepsuæ siê na amen, nawaliæ kompletnie; ~ a book pisaæ za kogo¶ ksi±¿kê; ~ of a smile cieñ u¶miechu; Holy Ghost Duch ¶w.

To oczywi¶cie nie wszystkie t³umaczenia; na stronie jest ich wiêcej!
Mo¿e to jaka¶ gra s³ów?
Title: Ghost Reveries
Post by: djdioda on 2005-08-28, 17:31:47
Hmmm, a mo¿e upiorne majaki? :twisted:
Title: Ghost Reveries
Post by: eleanor24 on 2005-08-28, 21:38:12
upiorne majtki  :mrgreen:
Title: Ghost Reveries
Post by: masster on 2005-08-28, 21:46:11
Quote from: eleanor24
upiorne majtki  :mrgreen:

 uprane majtki  :P
ale jednak wole 'Majaki ducha'  :mrgreen:
Title: Ghost Reveries
Post by: djdioda on 2005-08-28, 22:39:14
Quote from: masster
ale jednak wole 'Majaki ducha'  :mrgreen:

Hmmm, ju¿ kto¶ tu zauwa¿y³, ze to niedobre t³umaczenie  :twisted:  :P  Powinno byæ Ghost's Reveries ¿eby mo¿na by³o tak t³umaczyæ... Chocia¿... moze nie trzeba byæ dos³ownym... ale to bardziej eleganckie :P
Title: Ghost Reveries
Post by: Harlequin on 2005-08-29, 11:11:27
Wczoraj wpisa³em "Ghost Reveries" w "Inglisz Translejtor Trzy Kropka Zero" i przet³umaczy³ to jako "Reveries Ducha". :wink: No i my¶lê ¿e co¶ w tym jest (np. Zaduma Ducha).
Trzeba by tu jakiego¶ anglistê zapytaæ.
A mo¿e to ma po prostu nie mieæ sensu? :D Mikael jeden raczy wiedzieæ! :D
Title: Ghost Reveries
Post by: ThirdEye on 2005-08-29, 12:29:30
na (http://) jest wlasnie przet³umaczone jako Upiorna Zaduma :twisted:
a GOP zmienili na Ghost Of Tradition :roll:  =D>  :mrgreen:
Title: Ghost Reveries
Post by: masster on 2005-08-29, 13:30:14
Quote from: djdzida
Quote from: masster
ale jednak wole 'Majaki ducha'  :mrgreen:

Hmmm, ju¿ kto¶ tu zauwa¿y³, ze to niedobre t³umaczenie  :twisted:  :P  Powinno byæ Ghost's Reveries ¿eby mo¿na by³o tak t³umaczyæ... Chocia¿... moze nie trzeba byæ dos³ownym... ale to bardziej eleganckie :P

ale nie napisalem,ze to dobre tlumaczenie,tylko poprostu lubie to tlumacznie,pasuje mi ta 'polska nazwa'   :twisted:  :P
Title: Ghost Reveries
Post by: minder on 2005-08-29, 13:59:29
It's official. Przepisywane z ksi±¿eczki:

Ghost of Perdition

Ghost of Mother
Lingering seath
Ghost on Mother's bed
Black strands on the pillow
Contour of her health
Twisted face upon the head

Ghost of perdition
Struck in her chest
A warning no one read
Tragic friendship
Called inside the fog
Pouring venom brew deceiving

Devil cracked the earthly shell
Foretold she was the one
Blew hope ine the room and said:
"You have to live before you die young"

Holding her down
Channeling darkness
Hemlock for the Gods
Fading resistance
Draining the weakness
Penetrating inner light

Road into the dark unaware
Winding ever higher

Darkness by her side
Spoke and passed her by
Dedicated hunter
Waits to pull us under
Rose up to it's call
In his arms she'd fall
Mother light received
And a faithful servant's free

In time the hissing of her sanity
Faded out her voice and soiled her name
And like marked pages in a diary
Everything seemed clean that is unstained
The incoherent talk of ordinary days
Why would we really need to live?
Decide what is clear and what's within a haze
What you should take and what to give

Ghost of perdition
A saint's premonition's unclear
Keeper of holy hordes
Keeper of holy whores

To see a beloved son
In despair of what's to come

If one cut the source of the flow
And everything would change
Would conviction fall
In the shadow of the righteous
The phantasm of your mind
Might be calling you to go
Defying the forgotten morals
Where the victim is the prey

The Baying of the Hounds

I hear the baying of the hounds
In the distance, I hear them devouring
Pest-ridden jackals of the earth
Diabolical beasts and roaming the forests
In wait and constant protecotrs
Calling you to sit by his side
Your self-loathing image in his flesh
A revelation upon which you linger

His words are flies
Swarming towards the true insects
Feasting on buried dreams
And spreading decay upon your skin
His eyes spew forth a darkness
That cut through and paralyze
Casts light upon your secrets
Forced to confront your enemies

His mouth is a vortex
Sucking you into it's pandemonium
Fools you with a helping hand of ashes
Reached out in false dismay
His body is a country
The cities lay dead and beyond despair
Friends turned enemies unable to come clean
In a rising fog of reeking death

Everything you believed is a lie
Everyone you loved is a dead-burden
So you take comfort in him
And you are receptive to stark wishes
No longer struggling to declare your stand
You would inflict no harm to others
They are unaware and in a loop of futile events
You are everything, they are nothing

Drown in the deep mire
With past desires
Beneath the mire
Drown desire now with you

Lined up verses on dead skin
"The tainted lips of a stranger
Resting upon hers"

And I embrace bereavement
Everything beloved is shattered anyway
I would devote myself to anyone
A would accept any flaws

I am too weak to resist
Tension vibrating with horror
Finding the outcast in my eyes
Pushing nerves on a puppet
Endless poison in my veins
Clean intent now tainted with death

And so, cold touch now inhumane
Every waking hour
Awaiting a reverie to ungold
And now they are calling me
Louder by the minute
The baying of the hounds
Calling me back to my home

Wiêcej pó¼niej, o mnie palce ju¿ bol± ;)
Title: Ghost Reveries
Post by: djdioda on 2005-08-29, 14:10:00
Dziêki Ci, o Minderze  :prayer: ;)
Za tydzieñ jadê do Gdañska i te¿ bêdê mia³a :mrgreen:
Title: Ghost Reveries
Post by: Harlequin on 2005-08-29, 15:11:12
Quote from: ThirdEye
na (http://) jest wlasnie przet³umaczone jako Upiorna Zaduma :twisted:
a GOP zmienili na Ghost Of Tradition :roll:  =D>  :mrgreen:

Wierz takiemu teraz, co nawet po angielsku nawet nie umie dobrze napisaæ.  :zenibyco:
Title: Ghost Reveries
Post by: ThirdEye on 2005-08-29, 15:15:57
dzieki Miszczu =D>  =D>  =D>   :wink:
jakbys dal jeszcze cos przed koncertem to bylbym wdzieczny
szczegolnie Harlequin Forest i Grand Conjuration
chcialbym tekst dobrze poznac wczesniej :)  a na plytke nie mam kasy narazie:/
jak tam layout i wkladka plyty?? :mrgreen:
Title: Ghost Reveries
Post by: minder on 2005-08-29, 15:57:09
Wnêtrze ok³adki wymiata. Kompozycje przypominaj± Still Life - pe³no ¶wiêtych figurek ;) Przód ok³adki nie ma nazwy zespo³u ani tytu³u p³yty! Jest tylko naklejka na opakowaniu. Jedynie portret zespo³u odstaje od reszty.

A teraz kolejna porcja miêska:

Beneath the Mire

Haunted nights for halycon days
Can't sleep to the scraping of his voice
Nature's way struck grief in me
And I became a ghost in sickness

Wilingly guided into heresy
Beneath the surface, stark emptiness
And you'd pity my conviction
Whereas I thought of myself as a leader

You'd cling to your pleasant hope
It is twisted fascination
While I'd ruin the obstacles into despair
And I'm praising death

Lost love of the heart
In a holocaust scene memory

Decrepit body wearing transparent skin
Inside, the smoke of failure

Wept for solace and submit to faith
In his shadow I'm choking
Yet flourishing


A delusion made me stronger
Yet I'm draped in pale withering flesh
I sacrificed more than I had
And left my woes beneath the mire


Cleared the fog that was veiled around me
And blurred my sights
Suddenly, I'm no longer aching
To honor my plights

Rising moon and my skin is peeling
Past undone
Suddenly, I can't justify
What I had become

Harlequin Forest

Into the trees
Past meadow grounds
And further away from home
Baying behind me
I hear the hounds
Flock's chasing to find me alone

A trail of sickness
Leading to me
If I am haunted
Then you will see

Searching the darkness
And emptiness
I'm hiding away from the sun
Will never rest
Will never be at ease
All my matter's expired so I run

There falls another
Vapor hands released the blade
Insane regrets at the drop
Instruments of death before me

Lose all to save a little
At your peril it's justified
And dismiss your demons
As death becomes a jest
You are the laughing stock
Of the absinthe-minded
Confession stuck in your mouth
And long-gone fevers reappear

Nocturnally helpless
And weak in the light
Depending on a prayer
Pacing deserted roads to find
A seed of hope

The are the trees
Rotten pulp inside and never well
Roots sucking, thieving from my source
Tired boughs reaching for the light

It is all false pretension
Harlequin forest
Awaiting redemption for a lifetime
As they die alone
With no one by their side
Are they forgiven?

Stark determination
Poisoning the soul
Unfettered beast inside
Claiming sovereign control

And now the woods are burning
Tearing life-crops asunder
Useless blackened remains
Still pyre smoldering

Reszta pó¼niej :)
Title: Ghost Reveries
Post by: veila on 2005-08-29, 16:38:44
Pierwszy jeste¶ :] to podsumowuj±c moge wkleic ca³o¶æ poprawion± z literówek, dobrze? Proooszê?

Ghost of Perdition

Ghost of Mother
Lingering death
Ghost on Mother's bed
Black strands on the pillow
Contour of her health
Twisted face upon the head

Ghost of perdition
Stuck in her chest
A warning no one read
Tragic friendship
Called inside the fog
Pouring venom brew deceiving

Devil cracked the earthly shell
Foretold she was the one
Blew hope into the room and said:
"You have to live before you die young"

Holding her down
Channeling darkness
Hemlock for the Gods
Fading resistance
Draining the weakness
Penetrating inner light

Road into the dark unaware
Winding ever higher

Darkness by her side
Spoke and passed her by
Dedicated hunter
Waits to pull us under
Rose up to it's call
In his arms she'd fall
Mother light received
And a faithful servant's free

In time the hissing of her sanity
Faded out her voice and soiled her name
And like marked pages in a diary
Everything seemed clean that is unstained
The incoherent talk of ordinary days
Why would we really need to live?
Decide what is clear and what's within a haze
What you should take and what to give

Ghost of perdition
A saint's premonition's unclear
Keeper of holy hordes
Keeper of holy whores

To see a beloved son
In despair of what's to come

If one cut the source of the flow
And everything would change
Would conviction fall
In the shadow of the righteous
The phantasm of your mind
Might be calling you to go
Defying the forgotten morals
Where the victim is the prey

The Baying of the Hounds

I hear the baying of the hounds
In the distance, I hear them devouring
Pest-ridden jackals of the earth
Diabolical beasts and roaming the forests
In wait and constant protecotrs
Calling you to sit by his side
Your self-loathing image in his flesh
A revelation upon which you linger

His words are flies
Swarming towards the true insects
Feasting on buried dreams
And spreading decay upon your skin
His eyes spew forth a darkness
That cut through and paralyze
Casts light upon your secrets
Forced to confront your enemies

His mouth is a vortex
Sucking you into it's pandemonium
Fools you with a helping hand of ashes
Reached out in false dismay
His body is a country
The cities lay dead and beyond despair
Friends turned enemies unable to come clean
In a rising fog of reeking death

Everything you believed is a lie
Everyone you loved is a dead-burden
So you take comfort in him
And you are receptive to stark wishes
No longer struggling to declare your stand
You would inflict no harm to others
They are unaware and in a loop of futile events
You are everything, they are nothing

Drown in the deep mire
With past desires
Beneath the mire
Drown desire now with you

Lined up verses on dead skin
"The tainted lips of a stranger
Resting upon hers"

And I embrace bereavement
Everything beloved is shattered anyway
I would devote myself to anyone
A would accept any flaws

I am too weak to resist
Tension vibrating with horror
Finding the outcast in my eyes
Pushing nerves on a puppet
Endless poison in my veins
Clean intent now tainted with death

And so, cold touch now inhumane
Every waking hour
Awaiting a reverie to unfold
And now they are calling me
Louder by the minute
The baying of the hounds
Calling me back to my home

Beneath the Mire

Haunted nights for halcyon days
Can't sleep to the scraping of his voice
Nature's way struck grief in me
And I became a ghost in sickness

Willingly guided into heresy
Beneath the surface, stark emptiness
And you'd pity my conviction
Whereas I thought of myself as a leader

You'd cling to your pleasant hope
It is twisted fascination
While I'd ruin the obstacles into despair
And I'm praising death

Lost love of the heart
In a holocaust scene memory

Decrepit body wearing transparent skin
Inside, the smoke of failure

Wept for solace and submit to faith
In his shadow I'm choking
Yet flourishing


A delusion made me stronger
Yet I'm draped in pale withering flesh
I sacrificed more than I had
And left my woes beneath the mire


Cleared the fog that was veiled around me
And blurred my sights
Suddenly, I'm no longer aching
To honor my plights

Rising moon and my skin is peeling
Past undone
Suddenly, I can't justify
What I had become

[bReverie / Harlequin Forest][/b]

Into the trees
Past meadow grounds
And further away from my home
Baying behind me
I hear the hounds
Flock's chasing to find me alone

A trail of sickness
Leading to me
If I am haunted
Then you will see

Searching the darkness
And emptiness
I'm hiding away from the sun
Will never rest
Will never be at ease
All my matter's expired so I run

There falls another
Vapor hands released the blade
Insane regrets at the drop
Instruments of death before me

Lose all to save a little
At your peril it's justified
And dismiss your demons
As death becomes a jest
You are the laughing stock
Of the absinthe-minded
Confession stuck in your mouth
And long-gone fevers reappear

Nocturnally helpless
And weak in the light
Depending on a prayer
Pacing deserted roads to find
A seed of hope

They are the trees
Rotten pulp inside and never well
Roots sucking, thieving from my source
Tired boughs reaching for the light

It is all false pretension
Harlequin forest
Awaiting redemption for a lifetime
As they die alone
With no one by their side
Are they forgiven?

Stark determination
Poisoning the soul
Unfettered beast inside
Claiming sovereign control

And now the woods are burning
Tearing life-crops asunder
Useless blackened remains
Still pyre smoldering

Hours of Wealth

Found a way to rid myself clean of pain
And the fever that's been haunting me
Has gone away

Looking through my window
I seem to recognize
All the people passing by
But I am alone
And far from home
And nobody knows me

Never heard me say goodbay
Never shall I speak to anyone again
All days are in darkness
And I'm biding my time
Once I am sure of my task I will rise again

The Grand Conjuration

Faithful me
Pour yourself
Into me

Wield your power
Martyr's price
Stare me down
To the ground

Slake my thirst
Eternal wealth
Heathen key
Round my neck

This poetry
Our blasphemy
Know the sounds
Of infamy

The eyes of the devil
Fixed on his sinners

The hands of Satan
Assembling his flock
Pale horse rider
Searching the earth

Whispered conjuration
A belief takes form
Choking hand tapping
The veins in your throat

His orders in your mouth
A decree for domination
Beneath the tides of wisdom
Spins the undertow of hate

Injected seeds ob vegeance
Usurper's eyes on the powerless
Clean path to his kingdom
Beckoning in the mist

Tell me why
Love subsides
In the light
Of your wishes

Say my name
Ease the pain
Clear the smoke
In my head

Isolation Years

There's a sense of longing in me
As I read Rosemary's letter
Her writing's honest
Can't forget the years she's lost

In isolation
She talks about her love
And as I read
"I'll die alone"
I know she was aching

There's a certain detail seen here
The pen must have slipped to the side
And left a stain
Next to his name
She knew he was gone

And isolation
Is all that would remain
"The wound in me is pouring out
To rest on a lover's shore"

Dziekuje :)
Title: Ghost Reveries
Post by: vertigo on 2005-08-29, 19:55:06
Je¿eli chodzi o majaki, to gdybym mia³ przet³umaczyæ to s³owo na angielski to by³oby to hallucinations, a to ró¿ni siê nieco (a nawet bardzo od znaczenia s³owa reverie)
Quote from: Harlequin
A mo¿e ca³a tajemnica tkwi w b³êdnym t³umaczeniu wyrazu "ghost"?
Oto co znalaz³em w s³owniku (


[gEust] duch, upiór, cieñ; have not got the ~ of a chance nie mieæ cienia nadziei; have given up the ~ (pot.) wyzion±æ ducha, zepsuæ siê na amen, nawaliæ kompletnie; ~ a book pisaæ za kogo¶ ksi±¿kê; ~ of a smile cieñ u¶miechu; Holy Ghost Duch ¶w.

To oczywi¶cie nie wszystkie t³umaczenia; na stronie jest ich wiêcej!
Mo¿e to jaka¶ gra s³ów?

Ale¿ nie ma tu ¿adnej tajemnicy, ani gry s³ów (z tego co mówi³ Mike tytu³ mia³ brzmieæ Ghost Letters, tylko reveries lepiej brzmia³o). Tytu³ i jego znaczenie jest dosyæ oczywiste (patrz±c na teksty). Jedyny problem to kwestia gustu je¿eli chodzi o dobór s³ów i jego brzmienie w jêzyku polskim. Je¿eli chodzi o t³umaczenie reverie jako marzenia - owszem co¶ w tym jest jednak to s³owo nie za bardzo mi odpowiada. Co do proponowanych przeze mnie 'Ducha sny na jawie' to te¿ za bardzo mi ten tytu³ ju¿ nie pasuje. Patrz±c na liryki, chodzi tu o jak±¶ formê spojrzenia w przesz³o¶æ, przemy¶lenia, zrozumienia tego co mia³o miejsce, czyli s³owem, które w polskim mia³o by najbli¿ej do tego typu skojarzeñ by³aby w³a¶nie zaduma <czyli jak mówi s³ownik jêzyka polskiego - pogr±¿enie siê w my¶lach, marzeniach rozmy¶lanie, zamy¶lenie>. Tylko, ¿e wtedy tytu³ brzmi tak jako¶ ...ma³o atrakcyjnie - "Zaduma Ducha" :D (a nie duch zadumy, bo nie ona tu jest najwa¿niejsza, ale t³umaczenie ‘Upiorna Zaduma’ nie jest jednak tak do koñca zjechane). Gdyby kto¶ wykombinowa³ jakie¶ bliskoznaczne s³ówko do zadumy, by³oby idealnie. Na dzieñ dzisiejszy moja wersja odbiega nieco od orygina³u (ale znaczenie tego s³owa ma te¿ co¶ w sobie z zamy¶lenia) - ‘Reminiscencje Ducha”
Title: Ghost Reveries
Post by: masster on 2005-08-29, 20:52:12
Quote from: vertigo
Gdyby kto¶ wykombinowa³ jakie¶ bliskoznaczne s³ówko do zadumy, by³oby idealnie. Na dzieñ dzisiejszy moja wersja odbiega nieco od orygina³u (ale znaczenie tego s³owa ma te¿ co¶ w sobie z zamy¶lenia) - ‘Reminiscencje Ducha”

refleksja 8)  'upiorna refleksja'?'refleksje ducha'? to chyba jednak dalej nie to.
Title: Ghost Reveries
Post by: Luksor on 2005-08-30, 13:02:04
Quote from: Minder
...Przód ok³adki nie ma nazwy zespo³u ani tytu³u p³yty! Jest tylko naklejka na opakowaniu...

P³yty jeszcze nie posiadam (czekam na realizacjê przez sklep internetowy), ale nawet ( pod linkiem „dyskografia” prezentuje dwie wersje frontu ok³adki – jedn± z opisami, drug± w postaci czystej grafiki bez opisów. Ciekawa sprawa...
Czy¿by wiêc generalnie powrót do okresu Candlelight (3 pierwsze kr±¿ki), gdy pierwotne wersje frontów p³yt by³y tylko ilustracjami bez tytu³u i logo zespo³u?
Mam pierwotn± edycjê „Morningrise”, gdzie na ok³adce jest tylko to niesamowite ujêcie Palladian Bridge (bez logo zespo³u i tytu³u p³yty), a na pude³ku okr±g³a nalepka z nazw± zespo³u, tytu³em p³yty i krótkim anglojêzycznym tekstem: „Ekstremalny progresywny metal szwedzkich bogów! 5 kawa³ków w 66 minut najlepszego metalu jaki kiedykolwiek s³ysza³e¶!”.
Title: Ghost Reveries
Post by: Alberick on 2005-08-30, 21:47:57
Quote from: Jacek
Mam pierwotn± edycjê „Morningrise”, gdzie na ok³adce jest tylko to niesamowite ujêcie Palladian Bridge (bez logo zespo³u i tytu³u p³yty), a na pude³ku okr±g³a nalepka z nazw± zespo³u, tytu³em p³yty i krótkim anglojêzycznym tekstem: „Ekstremalny progresywny metal szwedzkich bogów! 5 kawa³ków w 66 minut najlepszego metalu jaki kiedykolwiek s³ysza³e¶!”.

Na GR jest bardzo podobnie. W³a¶nie logo na ok³adce i tytu³ zastêpuje nalepka z powy¿szymi, z logo Roadrunnera i z dodatkowym info, ¿e p³ytê promuje TGC.
Title: Ghost Reveries
Post by: masster on 2005-08-30, 23:20:26
ja tez juz jestem szczesliwym posiadaczem GR :twisted:  poki co wyglada na to,ze u nas jest dostepna tylko wersja bez napisow,z naklejka na pudelku.w sumie nie robi mi to wielkiej roznicy,ale chyba wolalbym okladke z napisem niz bez.a sama ksiazeczka-miodzio :P
Title: Ghost Reveries
Post by: Katanka on 2005-10-06, 21:10:03
Ja jestem bardzo ¶redni z angielskiego, ale mam brata, który studiuje anglistykê, a konkretnie t³umaczenie tekstów. Powiedzia³, ¿e najbardziej trafne do tego tytu³u jest t³umaczenie jako "Mroczne Wspomnienia". Sam jestem ciekaw jak by to prze³umaczy³ jaki¶ znawca jêzyka angielskiego :)
Title: Ghost Reveries
Post by: vertigo on 2005-10-06, 22:55:48
Powinno byæ 'Mhroczne Wspomnienia' :mrgreen: . Ta wersja brzmi jak dla mnie ca³kiem nie¼le, mo¿e siê w koñcu na co¶ zdecydujemy? :wink:
Title: Ghost Reveries
Post by: ozeh on 2005-10-07, 14:31:33
mroczne wspomnienia to by by³o twilight reveries;

Title: Ghost Reveries
Post by: Harlequin on 2005-11-12, 13:17:01
To widzê siê skoñczy³y pomys³y na t³umaczenia "Ghost Reveries". To teraz proponujê zabraæ siê za tytu³y konkretnych utworów :wink: . Np. Beneath the Mire. Mnie ten tytu³ kojarzy z pewnym tekstem zespo³u Kury z utworu "Jesienna Deprecha", mianowicie: "pod ka³u¿±".  :mrgreen:
Title: Ghost Reveries
Post by: Unas on 2005-11-12, 13:18:04
Co¶ w tym jest chocia¿ do jesiennego klimatu pasuje muzycznie chyba bardziej Atonement, nie? :wink:
Title: Ghost Reveries
Post by: Harlequin on 2005-11-12, 13:22:08
Czy ja wiem? Mnie Atonement to siê kojarzy z tymi ¶wiecami z ok³adki...
Title: Ghost Reveries
Post by: vertigo on 2005-11-12, 17:24:16
Quote from: Harlequin
Czy ja wiem? Mnie Atonement to siê kojarzy z tymi ¶wiecami z ok³adki...

Nie, ¶wiece z ok³adki to na bank TGC :)
Title: Ghost Reveries
Post by: Unas on 2005-11-12, 18:44:36
No w³a¶nie, a dla mnie te ¶wiece to bardziej GoP ni¿ TGC, bo ok³adencja do singla TGC pasuje idealnie. :mrgreen:
Title: Ghost Reveries
Post by: vertigo on 2005-11-12, 21:22:28
Quote from: Unas
No w³a¶nie, a dla mnie te ¶wiece to bardziej GoP ni¿ TGC, bo ok³adencja do singla TGC pasuje idealnie. :mrgreen:

'Clean path to his kingdom beckoning in the mist', powiadasz (a mo¿e to 'A trail of sickness leading to me'). :mrgreen:
Title: Ghost Reveries
Post by: Whodo on 2005-11-13, 08:47:46
A tak wogóle Ghost Reveries to znaczy Majaczenia po spo¿yciu spirytusu ( to z³aciny :wink: )  :D
Title: Ghost Reveries
Post by: Unas on 2005-11-13, 13:31:03
Quote from: vertigo
Quote from: Unas
No w³a¶nie, a dla mnie te ¶wiece to bardziej GoP ni¿ TGC, bo ok³adencja do singla TGC pasuje idealnie. :mrgreen:

'Clean path to his kingdom beckoning in the mist', powiadasz (a mo¿e to 'A trail of sickness leading to me'). :mrgreen:

Zgadza siê te¿ pasuje. Tym bardziej, ¿e tytu³ "Harlequin Forest" brzmi nieco dziwnie, a je¶li dorzucimy do tego Reverie, to bêdzie zupe³nie tak jak napisa³ Whodo.  :wink:  =D>